Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Journey of a Pen

"Entrepreneurship is a process which involves the production of cognitive representations and perceptions. Indeed, entrepreneurs could not develop innovations with new functionalities without transferring new knowledge and emotions to others."   (Verganti, 2009)

Our first assignment was to figure out what to do with this pen. And we thought that we would like to keep the pen and use it in a useful way. We need to say that this pen has a key meaning in our project.

We created a task, where people had to draw themselves in two minutes :) The main concept was to change a pen, and in this way exchange positive emotions. 

Here are some of our first participants: 



We learned :

1.  A small thing can create a positive attitude.
2. Important is how to sell a "product".
3. Always enjoy the process :)
4. Finns are creative :)

We can say that our first assignment was create success and it had positive impact to our work. 

Here you can find the presentation : 

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