Saturday, June 13, 2015

Artful Entrepreneurship

   "Like art that strives for originality and desires to break with and transform the old, artful entrepreneurship is subversive at its core. It intentionally seeks to introduce novel solutions that challenge established structures, institutions, and perceptions about what characterizes useful products and services. The subversive intent is a forceful motivator and driver, which sharpens the entrepreneur's sense of mission and exposes the deficiencies of existing solutions in the marketplace."

   "The resistance it tends to generates puts into focus the unique elements of the novel solution, and how these unique elements are to be developed and framed to effectively replace the old. From these perspectives, and while recognizing the substantial risks associated with subversive activities, artful entrepreneurship epitomizes many of the requirements and qualities which have become associated with successful entrepreneurship." 
(Bureau & Zander, 2014)

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