Saturday, June 13, 2015

Artful Entrepreneurship

   "Like art that strives for originality and desires to break with and transform the old, artful entrepreneurship is subversive at its core. It intentionally seeks to introduce novel solutions that challenge established structures, institutions, and perceptions about what characterizes useful products and services. The subversive intent is a forceful motivator and driver, which sharpens the entrepreneur's sense of mission and exposes the deficiencies of existing solutions in the marketplace."

   "The resistance it tends to generates puts into focus the unique elements of the novel solution, and how these unique elements are to be developed and framed to effectively replace the old. From these perspectives, and while recognizing the substantial risks associated with subversive activities, artful entrepreneurship epitomizes many of the requirements and qualities which have become associated with successful entrepreneurship." 
(Bureau & Zander, 2014)

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

What can we learn from others?

The centipede describes well how important that the company does not stand on only one leg.


Oulu Museum of Art OMA

Oulu Museum of Art OMA is set in idyllic surroundings on the edge of Ainola Park about a kilometre from Oulu city centre. The museum produces innovative, communal events at venues around the city and in the nearby municipalities. It also promotes a vibrant urban culture by showing a wide variety of art and by arranging events. The museum has an extensive collection, with a particular emphasis on art from Oulu and Northern Ostrobothnia (

Also one of our teachers Moosa Myllykangas ( & Pasi Räbinä) had her exhibition in there, which was named - Art Couture.

We would like to thank our teachers for showing us different perspectives how to connect creativity & entrepreneurship! 

Thank you!

Mattias, Teemu, Annukka & Jane

Better together: What is creative collaboration?

Connecting ideas often builds creative collaboration :)

Brilliant Together: The Magic of Creative Collaboration: Elaina Ellis & Emily Peterson at TEDxTacoma

Being proud of our work :)

Rectangle people can´t whistle!

A stereotype is “...a fixed, over generalized belief about a particular group or class of people.” (Cardwell, 1996). 

By stereotyping, we infer that a person has a whole range of characteristics and abilities that we assume all members of that group have. However, very often we do not know the whole story of a person. Stereotypes usually lead us to social categorization, which is one of the reasons for prejudice attitudes (i.e. “them” and “us” mentality) which leads to in-groups and out-groups.

Our work represents absurdness of using stereotypes and categorizations of people. Despite of our differences in the end we are all just humans, who share many similarities. In our work we are using people´s own 2 minutes drawings of themselves and we took the right to randomly categorize our participants into a “rectangle” and a “sphere”. In this way, we wish to arise a question:  why do we label and put stereotypes on others?  

Nordic Summer Snow:  Teemu, Mattias, Annukka & Jane

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Feelings are much like waves, we can’t stop them from coming but we can choose which one to surf (Jonatan Martensson)

Collaborative learning is never easy and needs effort, especially when time is limited and group members meet first time. Therefore collaboration is emotional & interesting. It requires emotional intelligence (EI). It is the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior (

During our group process, everyone of us had different feelings at some stage, but we managed our emotions and focused on the project. When we had bigger conflicts, we tried to solve them immediately and find the best solution, which suits to everyone. It is always important to regulate your emotions. Emotion regulation is a skill critical for social development, as children’s ability
to control their emotions is related to multiple aspects of social functioning [Hessler& Katz, 2007]. 
In our group we used also Big Brother app, which helped us to share our emotions individually, besides that we were feel to share our emotions inside the group.
We learned that is necessary to consider intraindividual characteristics, socialization process-
es, and emotional responding in order to understand the link between goal orientations and achievement.

Motivation & Inspiration

Everything started from there, when one of our group member found garbage corner in the Business Kitchen. We were inspired! :)

Creativity is the seed of all innovation. The successful creation of new products, new services, or new business practices starts with a person or a team thinking up a good idea—and developing that idea beyond its initial state (Amabile et al., 1996; Baer, 2012).

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Journey of a Pen

"Entrepreneurship is a process which involves the production of cognitive representations and perceptions. Indeed, entrepreneurs could not develop innovations with new functionalities without transferring new knowledge and emotions to others."   (Verganti, 2009)

Our first assignment was to figure out what to do with this pen. And we thought that we would like to keep the pen and use it in a useful way. We need to say that this pen has a key meaning in our project.

We created a task, where people had to draw themselves in two minutes :) The main concept was to change a pen, and in this way exchange positive emotions. 

Here are some of our first participants: 



We learned :

1.  A small thing can create a positive attitude.
2. Important is how to sell a "product".
3. Always enjoy the process :)
4. Finns are creative :)

We can say that our first assignment was create success and it had positive impact to our work. 

Here you can find the presentation :